Here I'd like to give credit to all those who made creating of this website, or my art, possible.

God the Father
I'd like give thanks to God the Father for equipping me with skills and time to paint, with resources to make it possible, and for my parents who gave me childhood full of art equipment and activities!

My Mum and my Dad
I'd like to say thank you to my mum, a professional artist, for training and leading me in all artistic activities since early childhood till now.
I'm saying thank you to my dad for encouraging me to create, and to provide conditions and resources for me to be creative.

My husband
I'd like to say thank you to my husband for support with creating this website and with all equipment needed to make, hang, pack and ship paintings.
Thank you Gary for top-level photo sessions that made images on this website look real. A London-based workd-class photographer who had time and skills for these paintings!
[website to be added soon]

Policies author
Terms & Conditions and Shipping policy have been based on what a fellow artist Stephen Bexter has on his website:
I'd like to give credit to the following photographers who publish on Unsplash, and whose images I downloaded free of charge:
Contact Image on Contact page: Photo by Miles Burke
Thank you' image on this page by Alexas_Fotos
Frames from Edges page by https://unsplash.com/@jruscello
Parcel from Delivery and Returns pages: Photo by Packhelp
Brushes from About page: Photo by Anna Kolosyuk
Pallette background in Materials and About pages: Photo by Markus Spiske
If I omitted any author please contact me at arthanna2020@gmail.com